Friday, January 27, 2017

Next Gen and Air Traffic Privatization

ATC and Next Gen
            Currently the United states Air traffic control system runs on government owned systems that is very outdated. The system they use is TRACON (Terminal Radar Approach Control) which is a ground based radar system that was used almost 50 years ago. This old system has caused airspace overload and higher costs ("Next Gen-Air Traffic Modernization",2017). The Next Gen system will be a satellite system that allows aircraft to fly more direct routes. The system will use global positioning system (GPS) which will allow for a more accurate depiction of the aircraft location. Next Gen will save travel costs and delays for passengers (Next Gen-Air Traffic Modernization",2017).
            General Aviation would reach out against privatization because if ATC becomes private, costs will go up to maintain aircraft. Privatization will allow the ATC to have an inflow of money which will help with making Next Gen a reality. General aviation aircraft will have to be upgraded which can cost on average 5000 dollars for a system such as ADS-B ("NextGen For General Aviation",2015). General Aviation is not concerned with delay of flights or flight patterns. GA pilots just want to fly their plane for cheap and for fun. The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) is in favor of the switch to Next Gen. The main concern they have is the reduction in flight delays that Next Gen can fix ("Next Gen-Air Traffic Modernization",2017). The National Air Traffic Controllers Association is also in favor due to the fact it will make the job a lot less stressful. Majority of airlines in the US are for privation except delta who believes that the current system is safe and efficient.
            To privatize ATC, a bill has to be passed through the house and the senate. Currently trump is in favor for the privatization. There has been a lot of backlash from the senate however. They state it will not save money due to how large the system is. The Trump Administration is expected to privatize the system if it can pass the house and the senate ("Trump Could Privatize Nation's air traffic controllers", 2016).
            A country that has a Private ATC system is Canada. Canada's system is ran by NAV Canada which is not a government organization. This allows the Canadian system to have an increase in technology with more resources that can help with costs and safety in a shorter period of time. The system works very well in Canada but is stated that the same system would not work well in the US due to the much larger airspace. (Financial Post, 2016).
            Yes I feel the ATC system would be more efficient if privatized because it will allow for further technology development. An increase in technology will only help lower delays, fuel costs, and system repair costs. Privatization will help in the goal of implementing Next Gen. Next Gen will only help reduce delays, fuel costs, and will get rid of an old system.

Air Traffic Control Modernization. (2017). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from

Trump could privatize nation's air traffic controllers. (2016, December 08). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from

Avionics Today. (n.d.). Retrieved January 27, 2017, from

Owram, K. (n.d.). U.S. looks to Canadian model as it debates air-traffic-control privatization. Retrieved January 27, 2017, from

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Regional Airlines

          The regional airline industry will be in desperate need for pilots in the coming years. This is due to major airline pilot retirement. Regional airline pilots will be getting hired by the major airlines leaving a shortage in the regional airline industry. Studies have showed that not as many students are enrolling in pilots programs across the country. This will force the regional jets to park their aircraft and hire young pilots with below 1500 hours. I believe there is a pilot shortage due to retirement but I also believe that the shortage will stem more from the diminishing enrollment at aviation schools around the country. I believe the overall cost of training which can add up to 50,000 dollars along with the 30,000 median salary (Phoenix East Aviation) of regional pilots gives students no incentive to become a pilot. A large salary increase in the regional industry will help give students a good reason to work in an industry where you are almost guaranteed a job out of university.   

          The regional airlines will have to start hiring from a pool of pilots with not a lot of experience from other countries. A lot with hours below the 1000 hour minimum of a four year aviation degree. This can be concerning for safety as student will go straight to the right seat of regional airlines with few hours due to the lack of new experienced pilots. If the regional airlines had higher pay or ways to help with student loans, there could be an increase in aspiring pilots.
          ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Is an organization that promotes laws with regard to safety and other standards for aviation around the world.
          Professionalism to me is acting in a proper, ethical manner that represents yourself and your organization in a positive manner. One example of lack of professionalism is Colgan Air using inexperienced pilots to train and monitor pilots on new aircraft that they have not flown before. Another example is the actions that Roger Cohen displayed when he was interviewed. He gave the impression that everything is fine and nothing has to be changed. Also giving inaccurate numbers such as the annual salary for regional pilots to help his cause. I feel professionalism stems from top management. If you are a first year pilot and you see management acting unprofessionally, you may start to believe that is how you should act. The lack of pay I feel can also give pilots no reason to act professionally because they are viewed as the "bottom of the barrel" in terms of pilots.
          To help me keep my professionalism in my future management of flight operations career, I plan on making sure that all regulations are being followed by the airline and all pilots that are hired are trained properly and no short cuts are being taken. I will make sure decisions are made based off safety and not money which is not a requirement to do.

The Coming U.S. Pilot Shortage Is Real. (2015, February 16). Retrieved January 22, 2017, from   

Airline Pilot Salary, Career Information Pilot. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2017, from

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Introduction Blog

            I started becoming interested in aviation when I was around 10 years old. I was very fascinated watching big aircraft fly over fly house. I began to look up different types of aircraft and try to guess what aircraft I was watching. I became interest in airports when I took my first flight when I was 13. I went on many different visits to airports around my area to watch planes take off and land. Later in high school I was set that I wanted to become a pilot.
            When I first started looking at universities I made sure they had flight programs that would allow me to start my career. Further into my recruitment I discovered a change in mindset. I began looking into the business world and what opportunities lied within certain industries. I came across Eastern Michigan University through baseball recruitment. I noticed they had an Aviation Management Degree available and I quickly decided, that was the path I wanted to take. This degree was perfect as it had both aviation and business linked together. I am currently a senior at Eastern Michigan University and I plan to graduate the summer of 2017.
            With my degree I plan to become a manager of flight operations for an air carrier such as Air Canada or Jazz airlines. The job description lies perfectly within what I have learned here at Eastern. I have spoken to a couple flight operators and have heard nothing but great things. I realize that you have to pay your dues within the airline so working with customers or baggage will likely become the start but I have that end goal of flight operations.
            Due to my interest in flight operations, hearing from current managers of flight operations would be greatly beneficial. Also, Airport managing is another career that interests me but I am uncertain of the pros and cons. This would be another topic that I would like to discuss in class.