Friday, February 24, 2017

Commercial Space Travel

Commercial Space Travel
            In 1961, the first satellite was launched with an American rocket. Through the 1960s till 1975 multiple satellites were launched for multiple uses. In 1962, President Kennedy singed the Communications Satellite Act of 1962 which allowed private companies to own and operate their own satellites. Later on in 1984, President Reagan signed the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984 which encouraged space flight along with private space travel. The office of commercial space transportation was responsible for regulations of private flight. This changed however in 1995 when the power of regulation was transferred to the FAA. Since the 2000s, there has been a few "private paid seats" such as Dennis Tito who took flight to the ISS on a Russian spacecraft using the American Company Space Adventures. Most recently, in 2015 President Obama signed the U.S Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act which allows companies to own resources in the outer space. ( 2016)

            Parts 400 to 460 of title 14 of the CFRs hold the regulations for commercial airspace. The FAA oversees and regulates all launches, reentries, and reentry vehicles. The Commercial Space launch act of1984 was put in place to give responsibility of public health, safety, safety of property, and national security.( 2016) I feel the regulations are enough for people to feel safe about it. I feel the regulations will become more strict as the industry booms. We are not at the time where it's a "normal thing to do". Once it becomes more popular, the FAA will have to start ensuring everything is covered responsibly. It is almost similar to the increasing regulations of the drone industry as it gets bigger and bigger.

            I personally see the industry becoming large in the near future. In 10 years or so, I feel there will be the technology and safety that will allow for passengers to go to space for a price. At first I think prices will be outrageous but as the demand gets higher the prices will go down. The general public will have to sign a waiver as noted in the regulations but I do think anyone with money in the general public will be able to go to space. These people will have to pass medicals in order to maintain safety and limit risk. I don't think transportation will be in the near future but I do think the "one time thing" will be in the near future.
            NASTAR Center display multiple programs pilots use for training of commercial flight. Programs include Launch and G force training, Situation awareness training, Spatial Disorientation training, Recovery training, and rapid decompression training. (NASTAR, 2017) Pilots must have an FAA certificate but I am unsure the flight hours required. These programs seem like they are essential to all hired commercial space pilots.  Medicals will be needed but as far as I have seen its almost the same requirements for commercial airline pilots.
   N. (n.d.). PILOTS AND CREW. Retrieved February 24, 2017, from
 F. (2016, October 03). Office of Commercial Space Transportation. Retrieved February 24, 2017, from



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