Saturday, April 1, 2017

Aviation Organizations

Aviation Organizations  

            The first organization that would be good to belong to is the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE). This organization is meant for airport managers and executives for commercial and general aviation airports. AAAE members represent around 850 airports. The primary focus on developmental opportunities through training, meetings/programs, and accreditation programs. This programs gives advice on current airport needs and can create funds to help with the future on airports. It is important for me to belong to this organization because becoming an airport manager could be a possibility for me in the future. This organization will be able to give me the inside scoop of industry needs and where airports are headed in the future such as technology development.

            The Airport Minority Advisory Council (AMAC) is another organization that will be beneficial in the future. The mission of this organization is to promote the employment of woman to all levels of the airport branch, as well as  the inclusion of the "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise". The organization will be involved with rule making and changes in airport procedures with regards to employment. The Canadian Prime Minister is creating a movement of woman in the workforce. This organization plays along with where I will be working  and can gain valuable information. If I was to ever be an airport manager, knowing rule changes and guidelines in the future will help me plan out who to hire and how to do it. Diversity is ongoing, and being at the forefront can only help me in the future. (AMAC, 2017)

Mission and History. (2015, July 22). Retrieved April 01, 2017, from

  International, I. A. (n.d.). History. Retrieved April 01, 2017, from


  1. These both sound like great organizations to be a member of. Personally, I choose AAAE as well because being on the management side of things this would benefit me the most. AMCA also sounds like an organization that is worth it as well. If airport manager is even a possibility in the future, this is a great path to get you started.

  2. I think the American Association of Airport Executives is the most important association that everybody in the management side should join it.

  3. I love that you want to get involed with these organization's Evan! I think if you join either of these organizations, which I know you plan on doing in the future, they could definitely help advance your career!

  4. American Association of Airport Executives is a great association for the management side of the aviation industry. To have an association that helps to sustain and expand airports is what the aviation industry needs. Holding a membership in this association will definitely prove to be beneficial in the future of the aviation industry.
